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Human Design + the Womb Masterclass REPLAY

what you'll receive...

  • 90 minute pre-recorded Human Design + the Womb masterclass led by Dr. Mona
  • Insights into the connection between our internal guidance systems as womb holders - the menstrual cycles + Human Design
  • Review of the menstrual cycle + cycle syncing energetics including the hormones, inner seasons, archetypes, + connected moon phases
  • Introduction to Human Design
    •  where Human Design originated from
    • how to access + read your chart
    • the 5 Energy Types (Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector.) Your type speaks to your energetic aura, the way your energy is experienced by + exchanged with others. Your type also tells us how your energy is designed to function + flow in this life
  • Insights on how the menstrual cycle may feel different depending on your unique Human Design energy type
  • SPECIFIC recommendations on the steps you can take to align more deeply with you internal guidance systems!
    • Brief overview of the support themes for each of the menstrual cycle phases
    • Guidance on how to tap into + use your Strategy in Human Design as a way to more deeply support your Soul + body energy   


No refunds... though you won't want one after receiving these beautiful insights + invitations :)