6 Rituals for the Summer Solstice
What is the Summer Solstice?
The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year + the official FIRST day of Summer in the Northern hemisphere. In Latin, sol means “sun” and sisto means “to stand still" or "to stop”. During times of the solstice (which happens twice a year) the earth has reached a maximum tilt on it's access, either deeply towards the sun or deeply away from it. During the summer Solstice we are tilted deeply towards the sun in the northern hemisphere which is what makes for the longest day of the year and the feeling that the sun is almost in a standstill at this beautiful entrance into summer + warmth.
The Summer Solstice is a time of celebration, warmth, fertility, + connection with family, community, and mother earth.
Just as the Summer Solstice is a time for celebration, fertility, connection + nurturing bonds within ourself, our community and our world - you can see this reflected in the world. Summer is here, crops and flowers in full bloom, the sun kissing many of our faces. And because we are a part of nature, deeply tied to the rhythms of Mother Earth, this energy is also stirring within us. Our spirit in summer tends to feel a desire to connect, to be more outward, to nurture relationships. Listen to where your soul pulls you, know that all our seasons have purpose and all are important!
Below are some
Summer Solstice rituals
I like to use to celebrate the sun, the light, the fertility, and connection of this season...
- Go for a walk or spend time outside in nature to appreciate the the light given on the longest day of the year and a start to a new season
- Do something social with family or friends welcoming in the season of Cancer, of emotions, connection and community
- Have your own mini Solstice celebration honoring this new season. Light a candle to represent the sun. I like to leave this burning throughout the day (especially if it's grey or rainy outside) reminding me of the Sun and its existence and power outside of me. You can turn on some music, dance, sing, journal, pull cards, or feed yourself nourishing + seasonal foods to show gratitude for this moment in time.
- Tidy up + Set Intentions. The start of a new season is a beautiful time to get intentional in how we want to approach the new season. To remove the things that are no longer working for us in our life - physically or energetically.
- Journal
- What are you looking to call in during this time of extended light + growth?
- How can you lean into connection + nurturing both your relationship with self and others?
- What areas of your life are you feeling called to be more outward, expressive? How will you lean into this?
- What seeds, projects, ideas, intentions will you plant for the coming season?
- Take a ceremonial bath. I like to use fresh blooms scattered in the bath. You can add magnesium or epsom salt. A few drops of a summer-like or floral essential oil if that calls to you like lavendar or rose. Really take the time to take in the feeling, the scents, the essence of Summer. Clear and make space in your mind, heart, and body for the expression, expansion, outward, nurturing, fertile energy that Summer brings with her. Say aloud some gratitudes of what the spring months brought you, some intentions for the energy, things, ideas you want to plant in your life as you move forward in Summer
I would love to hear what you do to welcome in the Summer Solstice! May this new season bring you warmth, connection, and nurturing that you + your soul desire.
with deep gratitude + love,
Dr. Mona