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Not sure which program is the best fit for you?
I invite you to schedule a FREE 30 minute Clarity Call with me (link below!) where we get some time and space to know one another, I will answer your questions about my programs and what it is like to work with me, you will get the chance to share exactly what your unique needs and concerns are, and from this awareness of what you’ve shared I make a suggestion of the best container for YOU. Then, if it feels aligned, we move forward with the next steps of deeper work together. xx
Schedule a FREE Clarity Call Here!What clients are saying . . .

"When I saw Mona's offerings along with her background in both western + holistic health, I knew she was the missing piece I needed to start on this journey. I signed up immediately + without hesitation, and from there my expectations were only exceeded!"
Kelly, 29

“Dr. Wiggins is the most thorough, compassionate medical provider I've ever had the pleasure of working with. I've completed her 1:1 FAM mentorship, gut microbiome testing + consultation (alongside my fiance). I'm proud to say I'm living "hormone free" and I feel like a DIFFERENT PERSON."
Rebekah, 39

"Mona helped me address hormonal and gut issues I had after coming off hormonal birth control. She is very knowledgable and guided me in holistic root causes and symptoms. After 6 months of working with her I saw so much improvement in my health and I finally feel like myself again."
Sarah, 28
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*Disclaimer: We respect your privacy. Use this information at your own risk. This is not individualized medical advice. Please consult with your medical provider for any questions or concerns that you may have, including whether this is appropriate for you.